Redding Heating & Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Redding’

This System Can Solve Your Air Quality Issues

Monday, May 1st, 2023

That’s right, if you’ve got air quality problems, we’ve got solutions! Air quality issues can have a wide variety of forms and effects, from stuffy and unhealthy air, to foul odors and mold spores. There are various environments that are not quite healthy for humans to live in, and poor air quality plays a role in this impact.

For instance, if you find yourself coughing pretty regularly at home, or feeling uncomfortable due to stuffy air that’s got dust circulating through it, then you might be suffering from some serious air quality issues. An air filter or iWave air purifier can really improve your air’s breathability and your home comfort.

This blog post will be about this kind of technology. More specifically, we’d like to focus on the iWave Air Purifier, and get into some of the reasons why this little powerhouse can do a lot to make your home feel like the sanctuary it was meant to be.

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Your Next Comfort Solution: The Daikin Fit

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Energy efficiency … Year-round comfort … Powerful heating and cooling … What’s not to like?

Welcome to the Daikin Fit! This system is a top-of-the-line product developed by one of the best heat pump manufacturers on the planet: Daikin. Today, we’re going to go over why these products are so good for customers who are looking to replace their old air conditioning or heating systems, or for homeowners looking for an upgrade they can be proud of. The Daikin Fit represents everything new and improving in the HVAC industry, and we’re here for it!

To make this blog post a bit more exciting, we’re also offering a promotion of $250 off a new system installation plus an additional $1,100 instant rebate on a Daikin Fit specifically. Put more cash in your pocket and more comfort in your home by calling our team or reading the rest of this post!

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When and Why You Should Get Duct Cleaning

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

Have you ever looked inside of your air ducts? That might be impossible due to how closed off they are, and for good reason. You don’t want any outside contaminants getting into your air ducts, just like you wouldn’t want any inside contaminants getting out. However, we’d bet that if you took a good look inside of your air duct system, you wouldn’t like the sight.

Dust, debris, hair, pet dander … You name it! These are all contaminants that can riddle a duct system and cause problems in the future. While they might not immediately cause health concerns or indoor air quality issues, they can influence the energy efficiency of your comfort systems, from heaters to air conditioners.

Interested in duct cleaning? Great! Now let’s discuss when might be the right time to invest in this kind of service, and highlight some of the reasons why it’s just that important.

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5 Warning Signs Your Heater Needs Help

Monday, December 26th, 2022

The holiday season is wrapping up but the winter weather is nowhere near done with us. We still have months of cold weather to get through which means that an operable heater is still a highly important asset.

Now that things have quieted down around the house it is time to take a breath and take stock of how well your heater is working. Is it doing things right? Or has it begun to struggle to do its job? Be on the alert for any of the following signs of trouble to determine if you need expert heating repairs in Redding.

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Choosing Your Next Heating System

Monday, December 12th, 2022

We know that thinking about upgrading your heater is likely one of the last things you want to do right now. You likely want to focus on getting your gift list taken care of, preparing food, or decorating your house. However, we’d say that getting these things done in a nice, warm home is going to be far better than doing so in a cold house.

If you need a new heating system, we’d suggest getting this taken care of ASAP. To find out what your options are for your next heating system replacement in Redding, read on!

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6 Tips for Reducing Energy Use This Season

Monday, November 28th, 2022

The sudden uptick in the temperature on Thanksgiving may have left you enjoying open windows this year. However, things have started to cool back down, and that is leaving you deciding how to keep your home warm.

For some, this may be as simple as turning the thermostat on and letting the heater run. But maybe you are a bit more conscious of your energy bills, or you simply want to use less energy to reduce your impact on the environment. Whatever category you’re in, we can help.

Here are some key tips to follow that will minimize your energy use without leaving your home uncomfortable

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6 Sounds You Don’t Want Your Heater To Make

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Your heater, no matter what type it is, won’t run without any noise. At the very least, you’ll hear the whoosh of warm air passing out of your vents or your air handler. You may also hear the whir of motors and an occasional click.

However, there are sounds that a heater can make that aren’t normal, and they are worth some concern. If you hear any of the following noises, then scheduling a heater repair in Redding with our team is your best option.

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Hearing Spooky Sounds? It Might Be Your HVAC System

Monday, October 17th, 2022

There is a chill in the air and it can turn our minds to supernatural ideas at this time of the year. While we understand the fun of getting into the spooky season, we do want to let you know that some of the sounds in your home that might be freaking you out have completely normal causes.

The fact is that there are problems in your HVAC system that might start creating the sounds that have been sending chills up your spine. So, what sounds indicate trouble in your home comfort system? Be on the alert for any of the following noises—they may mean you need to reach out for heater service in Redding from a trained technician.

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Schedule Heater Maintenance Today

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Our days have still been quite warm, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t feel a chill in the air at night. Fall has arrived according to the calendar even if the temperature outside feels like the climate says otherwise. Even if we have a couple more weeks of warmer weather, we all know that things are going to start cooling off at some point.

When you wake up to a chilly day, will you be confident that your heating system is ready to perform?

If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to schedule heater maintenance in Redding. This service will help ensure that, whenever you feel like using your heater, it offers you the best comfort at the more reasonable cost possible. Read on to discover more details about heater maintenance or reach out to us now to get a spot on our calendar.

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 3 AC Repairs You’ll Need Us to Handle

Monday, September 19th, 2022

The start of the fall season is on its way, but that doesn’t mean the heat is leaving anytime soon. What’s more, even if it does cool off, we know that heat waves have a tendency to pop up out of seemingly nowhere. That’s why, even if you might not be using your AC for too much longer, you’ll want to keep it in good shape as best you can.

Keeping your air conditioner working properly is something we can help you with. Specifically, we’re here to help ensure that your AC is going to be able to keep running even after it hits a bump in the road. If you start to notice your AC struggling, reach out for air conditioner repairs in Redding, CA for any of the following problems.

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